Finance Reinstates the Subsidy for Regular Gasoline

After two weeks without any subsidies, the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) has decided to implement a fiscal stimulus of 3.59% per liter for regular gasoline. According to the department, the Special Tax on Production and Services (IEPS) for regular gasoline, which will be in effect from March 29 to April 3, will be set at 6.22 pesos per liter, which means a discount of 0.23 pesos.
For premium gasoline, the rate will be 5.45 pesos per liter, as no subsidy will be applied, while diesel will have a rate of 7.09 pesos per liter.
Why are gasoline subsidies provided? The Ministry of Finance has the authority to provide subsidies for the IEPS in order to mitigate increases in international prices, thus seeking to avoid inflationary repercussions in the country. When prices are stable or do not experience significant increases, the department collects the special tax in full, contributing to fiscal revenue.
What is the current cost of gasoline? As of Friday, March 28, the average price per liter is 23.67 pesos for regular gasoline, 25.66 pesos for premium, and 26.12 pesos for diesel, according to data from PetroIntelligence.
Final comment: It is important to note that gasoline subsidies are a key tool for controlling inflation and protecting consumers' purchasing power. However, it is vital that these subsidies are managed carefully, as excessive use can affect the fiscal health of the government and limit its capacity to invest in other critical areas of the economy.