Business Leaders Urge Opposition Senators to Stand Firm Against Judicial Reforms
The Confederation of Employers of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex) has called on the 43 opposition senators to stay strong against the judicial reform proposed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. According to the business organization, "they are urged to heed the citizens' mandate and reject any constitutional changes that could jeopardize the Judicial Branch."
Furthermore, they requested that senators ignore external pressures, emphasizing the importance of listening to all stakeholders and insisting that any reform must result from an inclusive and participatory process. "The future of justice in Mexico is at stake, and it is crucial that decisions are made responsibly to ensure the legal, economic, and social stability of the country," states the issued communiqué. Coparmex has communicated that its 71 business centers across the country have echoed this message to the senators, demanding that they not disregard the will of their voters in the Senate. Despite multiple warning calls from various sectors, the initiative has progressed without considering the opinions of experts, business sector organizations, young students, and international actors who have highlighted the risks of electing judges, magistrates, and ministers through popular vote. "For this reason, we call on all senators, especially those 43 legislators who do not belong to the parliamentary majority, as they bear the responsibility to block this reform," the statement detailed. Coparmex expressed its alignment with the proposal from the President of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, Norma Piña, and the Federal Judiciary Council, which emerged from a National Meeting on a Security and Justice Agenda. "We agree that measures such as standardizing judicial career rules across the judicial powers of the country, strengthening the amparo trial, and abolishing mandatory preventive detention are appropriate and should be included in any discussion on reforming the judicial system." Business leaders stressed that Mexico is facing legal uncertainty that is already driving away essential investments needed to create jobs and well-being. Meanwhile, the Business Coordinating Council (CCE) also urged all senators to allow for a broad and deliberate debate, providing enough time to analyze and weigh the necessary changes that would improve the administration of justice and the functioning of the Judicial Branch. It highlighted the need for a constitutional reform that ensures the separation of powers and true independence of the judiciary, which must be discussed and analyzed thoroughly and responsibly by all involved parties, in order to protect fundamental rights and Mexico's international commitments regarding human rights, labor, and environmental standards, as well as its trade and investment agreements.
It is vital that all reforms to the judicial system are carried out responsibly and with the inclusion of all relevant actors, as this impacts not only justice but also investor confidence, which is key to the country’s economic growth. A strong and transparent administration of justice is an essential asset for any economy seeking stability and sustainable development.