BNB/MXN - Binance Coin to Peso

Last update: Sat 21/12/2024 11:15 - Central Time Zone, Mexico
Average Price13,249.29-603.45 -4.36%(today)
Change (Average Price)
1 hour-0.278187%
24 hours-1.2994%
7 days-7.6710%
30 days6.6867%
90 days13.2698%

Graph for binance coin to mexican peso rates

The exchange rate of binance coin to peso mexicano is $13,249.29 MXN in Mexico today, Saturday 21/12/2024 11:15. The value of saw a decrease today -603.4517 points. This equals to a a decrease de -4.36% for BNB/MXN so far since the yesterday's closing.

Reverse Exchange Rate (MXN/BNB)

The inverse exchange rate, Mexican peso to binance coin (MXN/BNB), is 0.00007548 today.

Comments on binance coin to mexican peso

Daily details on Binance Coin to Peso rates

Max todayMin today
Average Price13,905.2313,161.51
Last ClosingOpening
Average Price13,852.7413,880.99

Conversion Table for binance coin to mexican peso

QuantityAverage Price (Average Price)
1 BNB13,249.29 MXN
2 BNB26,498.58 MXN
5 BNB66,246.46 MXN
10 BNB132,492.92 MXN
20 BNB264,985.84 MXN
50 BNB662,464.59 MXN
100 BNB1,324,929.18 MXN
200 BNB2,649,858.37 MXN
250 BNB3,312,322.96 MXN
500 BNB6,624,645.92 MXN
750 BNB9,936,968.87 MXN
1000 BNB13,249,291.83 MXN
2000 BNB26,498,583.66 MXN
5000 BNB66,246,459.15 MXN

Conversion Table for mexican peso to binance coin

QuantityAverage Price (Average Price)
1 MXN0.000100 BNB
2 MXN0.000200 BNB
5 MXN0.000500 BNB
10 MXN0.001000 BNB
20 MXN0.002000 BNB
50 MXN0.005000 BNB
100 MXN0.010000 BNB
200 MXN0.020000 BNB
250 MXN0.025000 BNB
500 MXN0.050000 BNB
750 MXN0.075000 BNB
1000 MXN0.100000 BNB
2000 MXN0.200000 BNB
5000 MXN0.500000 BNB