AUD/MXN - Australian Dollar to Peso

Last update: Sat 22/02/2025 01:00 - Central Time Zone, Mexico
Average Price 1 AUD = $12.9786 MXN0.00 0.00%(change today)Buy$12.9783 MXN0.00 0.00%Sell$12.9788 MXN0.000.00%(today)
Change (Average Price)
7 days 0.07730.60%
30 days 0.04240.33%
90 days -0.3047-2.29%

Graph for australian dollar to mexican peso rates

Average australian dollar to mexican peso exchange rate is $12.9786 according to data from 3 banks and institutions in Mexico now, Saturday 22/02/2025 01:00. The average exchange rate did not change today.

Reverse Exchange Rate (MXN/AUD)

The average exchange rate of mexican peso to australian dollar is 0.0771 AUD today.

Banks/Institutions giving australian dollar to mexican peso exchange rates

BanksChange (today) Buy / Sell *
Banco Santander0.00%$12.9774
FX Market0.00%$12.985
*: Rows that contain single value should be considered as sell rates.

When we check the exchange rates of australian dollar to peso from 3 sources, we see that:

  • The highest australian dollar to peso buy rate is $12.97831247 MXN at Promedio
  • The lowest australian dollar to peso buy rate is $12.9725 MXN at Citibanamex
  • The highest australian dollar to peso sell rate is $12.98503741 MXN at Mercado Cambiario
  • The lowest australian dollar to peso sell rate is $12.9774 MXN at Banco Santander

Daily details on Australian Dollar to Peso rates

Max todayMin today
Average Price12.978612.9786
Last ClosingOpening
Average Price12.978612.9786

Conversion Table for australian dollar to mexican peso

QuantityAverage Price (Average Price)
1 AUD12.9786 MXN
2 AUD25.9571 MXN
5 AUD64.8928 MXN
10 AUD129.7856 MXN
20 AUD259.5711 MXN
50 AUD648.9278 MXN
100 AUD1,297.86 MXN
200 AUD2,595.71 MXN
250 AUD3,244.64 MXN
500 AUD6,489.28 MXN
750 AUD9,733.92 MXN
1000 AUD12,978.56 MXN
2000 AUD25,957.11 MXN
5000 AUD64,892.78 MXN

Conversion Table for mexican peso to australian dollar

QuantityAverage Price (Average Price)
1 MXN0.077100 AUD
2 MXN0.154200 AUD
5 MXN0.385500 AUD
10 MXN0.771000 AUD
20 MXN1.5420 AUD
50 MXN3.8550 AUD
100 MXN7.7100 AUD
200 MXN15.4200 AUD
250 MXN19.2750 AUD
500 MXN38.5500 AUD
750 MXN57.8250 AUD
1000 MXN77.1000 AUD
2000 MXN154.2000 AUD
5000 MXN385.5000 AUD

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