HNL/MXN - Honduran Lempira to Peso

Last update: Tue 25/03/2025 20:55 - Central Time Zone, Mexico
Average Price 1 HNL = $0.782496 MXN0.001104 0.14%(change today)
Change (Average Price)
7 days 0.0058070.75%
30 days -0.01308-1.64%
90 days -0.013827-1.74%

Graph for honduran lempira to mexican peso rates

The average exchange rate of honduran lempira to mexican peso in Mexico is $0.782496 right now, Tuesday 25/03/2025 20:55. The average honduran lempira to mexican peso exchange rate increased 0.001104 points today when compared to closing value of yesterday. This corresponds to a a rise of 0.14%.

Reverse Exchange Rate (MXN/HNL)

The average exchange rate of mexican peso to honduran lempira is 1.2780 HNL today.

Banks/Institutions giving honduran lempira to mexican peso exchange rates

BanksChange (today) Buy / Sell *
FX Market0.14%$0.782496
*: Rows that contain single value should be considered as sell rates.

Daily details on Honduran Lempira to Peso rates

Max todayMin today
Average Price0.7848210.779553
Last ClosingOpening
Average Price0.7813920.781391

Conversion Table for honduran lempira to mexican peso

QuantityAverage Price (Average Price)
1 HNL0.782496 MXN
2 HNL1.5650 MXN
5 HNL3.9125 MXN
10 HNL7.8250 MXN
20 HNL15.6499 MXN
50 HNL39.1248 MXN
100 HNL78.2495 MXN
200 HNL156.4991 MXN
250 HNL195.6239 MXN
500 HNL391.2477 MXN
750 HNL586.8716 MXN
1000 HNL782.4955 MXN
2000 HNL1,564.99 MXN
5000 HNL3,912.48 MXN

Conversion Table for mexican peso to honduran lempira

QuantityAverage Price (Average Price)
1 MXN1.2780 HNL
2 MXN2.5560 HNL
5 MXN6.3900 HNL
10 MXN12.7800 HNL
20 MXN25.5600 HNL
50 MXN63.9000 HNL
100 MXN127.8000 HNL
200 MXN255.6000 HNL
250 MXN319.5000 HNL
500 MXN639.0000 HNL
750 MXN958.5000 HNL
1000 MXN1,278.00 HNL
2000 MXN2,556.00 HNL
5000 MXN6,390.00 HNL

Comments on honduran lempira to mexican peso