NOK/MXN - Norwegian Krone to Peso

Last update: Tue 04/02/2025 22:35 - Central Time Zone, Mexico
Average Price 1 NOK = 1.8048 MXN-0.0109-0.60%(change today)
Change (Average Price)
7 days -0.0069-0.38%
30 days -0.0048-0.26%
90 days -0.0233-1.27%

Graph for norwegian krone to mexican peso rates

Average norwegian krone to mexican peso exchange rate is $1.8048 according to data from 2 banks and institutions in Mexico now, Tuesday 04/02/2025 22:35. The exchange rate of norwegian krone in terms of mexican peso fell -0.0109 points since yesterday's closing. This corresponds to a a decrease of -0.60% for today until now.

Reverse Exchange Rate (MXN/NOK)

The average exchange rate of mexican peso to norwegian krone is 0.5541 NOK today.

Banks/Institutions giving norwegian krone to mexican peso exchange rates

BanksChange (today) Buy / Sell *
Banco Santander-3.04%1.7865
FX Market1.92%1.8231
*: Rows that contain single value should be considered as sell rates.

Daily details on Norwegian Krone to Peso rates

Max todayMin today
Average Price1.81621.1492
Last ClosingOpening
Average Price1.81571.816

Conversion Table for norwegian krone to mexican peso

QuantityAverage Price (Average Price)
1 NOK1.8048 MXN
2 NOK3.6096 MXN
5 NOK9.0241 MXN
10 NOK18.0481 MXN
20 NOK36.0962 MXN
50 NOK90.2405 MXN
100 NOK180.4811 MXN
200 NOK360.9622 MXN
250 NOK451.2027 MXN
500 NOK902.4055 MXN
750 NOK1,353.61 MXN
1000 NOK1,804.81 MXN
2000 NOK3,609.62 MXN
5000 NOK9,024.05 MXN

Conversion Table for mexican peso to norwegian krone

QuantityAverage Price (Average Price)
1 MXN0.554100 NOK
2 MXN1.1082 NOK
5 MXN2.7705 NOK
10 MXN5.5410 NOK
20 MXN11.0820 NOK
50 MXN27.7050 NOK
100 MXN55.4100 NOK
200 MXN110.8200 NOK
250 MXN138.5250 NOK
500 MXN277.0500 NOK
750 MXN415.5750 NOK
1000 MXN554.1000 NOK
2000 MXN1,108.20 NOK
5000 MXN2,770.50 NOK

Comments on norwegian krone to mexican peso