CHF/MXN - Swiss Franc to Peso

Last update: Fri 21/02/2025 11:50 - Central Time Zone, Mexico
Average Price 1 CHF = $22.6639 MXN0.0531 0.23%(change today)Buy$22.6357 MXN0.0264 0.12%Sell$22.692 MXN0.07980.35%(today)
Change (Average Price)
7 days 0.08910.39%
30 days -0.1711-0.75%
90 days -0.3304-1.44%

Graph for swiss franc to mexican peso rates

Average swiss franc to mexican peso exchange rate is $22.6639 according to data from 3 banks and institutions in Mexico now, Friday 21/02/2025 11:50. The exchange rate of swiss franc in terms of mexican peso increased 0.0531 points since yesterday's closing. This corresponds to a an increase of 0.23% for today until now.

Reverse Exchange Rate (MXN/CHF)

The average exchange rate of mexican peso to swiss franc is 0.0441 CHF today.

Banks/Institutions giving swiss franc to mexican peso exchange rates

BanksChange (today) Buy / Sell *
Banco Santander-0.14%$22.5831
FX Market0.26%$22.6654
*: Rows that contain single value should be considered as sell rates.

When we check the exchange rates of swiss franc to peso from 3 sources, we see that:

  • The highest swiss franc to peso buy rate is $22.6586 MXN at Citibanamex
  • The lowest swiss franc to peso buy rate is $22.63570455 MXN at Promedio
  • The highest swiss franc to peso sell rate is $22.691999 MXN at Promedio
  • The lowest swiss franc to peso sell rate is $22.5831 MXN at Banco Santander

Daily details on Swiss Franc to Peso rates

Max todayMin today
Average Price28.250122.5813
Last ClosingOpening
Average Price22.610822.6094

Conversion Table for swiss franc to mexican peso

QuantityAverage Price (Average Price)
1 CHF22.6639 MXN
2 CHF45.3277 MXN
5 CHF113.3193 MXN
10 CHF226.6385 MXN
20 CHF453.2770 MXN
50 CHF1,133.19 MXN
100 CHF2,266.39 MXN
200 CHF4,532.77 MXN
250 CHF5,665.96 MXN
500 CHF11,331.93 MXN
750 CHF16,997.89 MXN
1000 CHF22,663.85 MXN
2000 CHF45,327.70 MXN
5000 CHF113,319.26 MXN

Conversion Table for mexican peso to swiss franc

QuantityAverage Price (Average Price)
1 MXN0.044100 CHF
2 MXN0.088200 CHF
5 MXN0.220500 CHF
10 MXN0.441000 CHF
20 MXN0.882000 CHF
50 MXN2.2050 CHF
100 MXN4.4100 CHF
200 MXN8.8200 CHF
250 MXN11.0250 CHF
500 MXN22.0500 CHF
750 MXN33.0750 CHF
1000 MXN44.1000 CHF
2000 MXN88.2000 CHF
5000 MXN220.5000 CHF

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