GBP/MXN - Pound to Peso
Last update: Sat 21/12/2024 05:55 - Central Time Zone, Mexico ShareAverage Price 1 Pound = 25.4236 MXN-0.1484-0.58%(change today)Buy24.9499-0.1693 -0.67%Sell25.8972-0.1276-0.49%(today)
Change (Average Price) | |
7 days | -0.1757-0.69% |
30 days | -0.3836-1.49% |
90 days | 0.01450.06% |
Graph for pound to mexican peso rates
Average pound to mexican peso exchange rate is $25.4236 according to data from 5 banks and institutions in Mexico now, Saturday 21/12/2024 05:55. The exchange rate of pound in terms of mexican peso fell -0.1484 points since yesterday's closing. This corresponds to a a decrease of -0.58% for today until now.
Reverse Exchange Rate (MXN/GBP)
The average exchange rate of mexican peso to pound is 0.0393 GBP today.
Banks/Institutions giving pound to mexican peso exchange rates
Banks | Change (today) | Buy / Sell * |
Citibanamex | -0.41% | 25.246725.2844 |
Banco Santander | -1.07% | 25.3549 |
Mastercard | 0.00% | 26.3337 |
FX Market | -0.50% | 25.218 |
Monex | -0.70% | 23.9826.51 |
When we check the exchange rates of pound to peso from 5 sources, we see that:
- The highest pound to peso buy rate is $25.2467 MXN at Citibanamex
- The lowest pound to peso buy rate is $23.98 MXN at Monex
- The highest pound to peso sell rate is $26.51 MXN at Monex
- The lowest pound to peso sell rate is $25.2180205 MXN at Mercado Cambiario
Comments on pound to mexican peso
Daily details on Pound to Peso rates
Max today | Min today | |
Average Price | 25.4236 | 25.2788 |
Buy | 25.2732 | 24.9499 |
Sell | 25.8972 | 25.2844 |
Last Closing | Opening | |
Average Price | 25.572 | 25.4236 |
Buy | 25.1192 | 24.9499 |
Sell | 26.0248 | 25.8972 |
Conversion Table for pound to mexican peso
Quantity | Average Price (Average Price) |
1 GBP | 25.4236 MXN |
2 GBP | 50.8471 MXN |
5 GBP | 127.1178 MXN |
10 GBP | 254.2355 MXN |
20 GBP | 508.4711 MXN |
50 GBP | 1,271.18 MXN |
100 GBP | 2,542.36 MXN |
200 GBP | 5,084.71 MXN |
250 GBP | 6,355.89 MXN |
500 GBP | 12,711.78 MXN |
750 GBP | 19,067.66 MXN |
1000 GBP | 25,423.55 MXN |
2000 GBP | 50,847.11 MXN |
5000 GBP | 127,117.76 MXN |
Conversion Table for mexican peso to pound
Quantity | Average Price (Average Price) |
1 MXN | 0.039300 GBP |
2 MXN | 0.078600 GBP |
5 MXN | 0.196500 GBP |
10 MXN | 0.393000 GBP |
20 MXN | 0.786000 GBP |
50 MXN | 1.9650 GBP |
100 MXN | 3.9300 GBP |
200 MXN | 7.8600 GBP |
250 MXN | 9.8250 GBP |
500 MXN | 19.6500 GBP |
750 MXN | 29.4750 GBP |
1000 MXN | 39.3000 GBP |
2000 MXN | 78.6000 GBP |
5000 MXN | 196.5000 GBP |