Saudi Riyal to Peso in Mercado Cambiario
SAR/MXN Last update: Tue 25/03/2025 21:20 - Central Time Zone, Mexico ShareAverage Price$5.3543 MXN0.0121 0.23%(today)
Change (Average Price) | |
7 days | 0.03430.64% |
30 days | -0.0844-1.55% |
90 days | -0.0346-0.64% |
Graph for saudi riyal to mexican peso rates in Mercado Cambiario
The average saudi riyal to mexican peso exchange rate is $5.3543 MXN in FX Market in Mexico today, Tuesday 25/03/2025 21:20. The average exchange rate increased 0.012074 points today. This corresponds to a a rise of 0.23% for SAR/MXN in FX Market until now since the previous closing.
Reverse Exchange Rate (MXN/SAR)
The inverse exchange rate, Mexican peso to saudi riyal (MXN/SAR), is 0.1868 today.
Daily details on Saudi Riyal to Peso rates in Mercado Cambiario
Max today | Min today | |
Average Price | 5.3696 | 5.3357 |
Last Closing | Opening | |
Average Price | 5.3422 | 5.3422 |
Other rates from Mercado Cambiario
Change (today) | Average Price (MXN) | |
USD | 0.00% | $20.0521 |
EUR | 0.00% | $21.6456 |
COP | 0.00% | $0.004883 |
CAD | 0.00% | $14.0516 |
ARS | 0.00% | $0.01873 |
JPY | 0.00% | $0.133377 |
GBP | 0.00% | $25.9527 |
PEN | 0.00% | $5.523 |
PHP | 0.00% | $0.34773 |
CLP | 0.00% | $0.021777 |
BRL | 0.00% | $3.5186 |
AUD | 0.00% | $12.6516 |
CNY | 0.00% | $2.7609 |
RUB | 0.00% | $0.236977 |
INR | 0.00% | $0.23414 |
TRY | 0.00% | $0.527999 |
UYU | 0.00% | $0.475575 |
AED | 0.00% | $5.4599 |
GTQ | 0.00% | $2.605 |
CRC | 0.00% | $0.040157 |
CHF | 0.00% | $22.6998 |
SEK | 0.00% | $1.9985 |
BOB | 0.00% | $2.9023 |
HNL | 0.00% | $0.782529 |
MAD | 0.00% | $2.0955 |
NOK | 0.00% | $1.9083 |
CZK | 0.00% | $0.870526 |
DKK | 0.00% | $2.9017 |
HKD | 0.00% | $2.5799 |
HUF | 0.00% | $0.054251 |
ILS | 0.00% | $5.4767 |
NZD | 0.00% | $11.5251 |
PLN | 0.00% | $5.2011 |
QAR | 0.00% | $5.5088 |
RON | 0.00% | $4.3508 |
SGD | 0.00% | $14.9976 |
THB | 0.00% | $0.590587 |
ZAR | 0.00% | $1.0977 |
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Conversion Table for saudi riyal to mexican peso in Mercado Cambiario
Quantity | Average Price (Average Price) |
1 SAR | 5.3543 MXN |
2 SAR | 10.7086 MXN |
5 SAR | 26.7716 MXN |
10 SAR | 53.5432 MXN |
20 SAR | 107.0863 MXN |
50 SAR | 267.7159 MXN |
100 SAR | 535.4317 MXN |
200 SAR | 1,070.86 MXN |
250 SAR | 1,338.58 MXN |
500 SAR | 2,677.16 MXN |
750 SAR | 4,015.74 MXN |
1000 SAR | 5,354.32 MXN |
2000 SAR | 10,708.63 MXN |
5000 SAR | 26,771.59 MXN |
Conversion Table for mexican peso to saudi riyal in Mercado Cambiario
Quantity | Average Price (Average Price) |
1 MXN | 0.186800 SAR |
2 MXN | 0.373600 SAR |
5 MXN | 0.934000 SAR |
10 MXN | 1.8680 SAR |
20 MXN | 3.7360 SAR |
50 MXN | 9.3400 SAR |
100 MXN | 18.6800 SAR |
200 MXN | 37.3600 SAR |
250 MXN | 46.7000 SAR |
500 MXN | 93.4000 SAR |
750 MXN | 140.1000 SAR |
1000 MXN | 186.8000 SAR |
2000 MXN | 373.6000 SAR |
5000 MXN | 934.0000 SAR |
Other Banks/Institutions giving saudi riyal to mexican peso exchange rates
Banks | Change (today) | Buy / Sell * |
Banco Santander | -0.95% | $5.3314 |