Thai Baht to Peso in Mercado Cambiario

Last update: Wed 22/01/2025 03:45 - Central Time Zone, Mexico
Average Price0.607893-0.001178 -0.19%(today)
Change (Average Price)
7 days 0.0143512.42%
30 days 0.0161182.72%
90 days 0.0209913.58%

Graph for thai baht to mexican peso rates in Mercado Cambiario

The average thai baht to mexican peso exchange rate is $0.607893 MXN in FX Market in Mexico today, Wednesday 22/01/2025 03:45. The average exchange rate had a fall -0.001178 points today. This corresponds to a a decrease of -0.19% for THB/MXN in FX Market until now since the previous closing.

Reverse Exchange Rate (MXN/THB)

The reverse exchange rate, Mexican peso to thai baht (MXN/THB) is 1.6450 today.

Comments on thai baht to mexican peso in Mercado Cambiario

Daily details on Thai Baht to Peso rates

Max todayMin today
Average Price0.6101870.607893
Last ClosingOpening
Average Price0.6090710.609012

Other Banks/Institutions giving thai baht to mexican peso exchange rates

BanksChange (today) Buy / Sell *
Banco Santander-0.23%0.610629
*: Rows that contain single value should be considered as sell rates.

Conversion Table for thai baht to mexican peso in Mercado Cambiario

QuantityAverage Price (Average Price)
1 THB0.607893 MXN
2 THB1.2158 MXN
5 THB3.0395 MXN
10 THB6.0789 MXN
20 THB12.1579 MXN
50 THB30.3946 MXN
100 THB60.7893 MXN
200 THB121.5785 MXN
250 THB151.9732 MXN
500 THB303.9463 MXN
750 THB455.9195 MXN
1000 THB607.8927 MXN
2000 THB1,215.79 MXN
5000 THB3,039.46 MXN

Conversion Table for mexican peso to thai baht in Mercado Cambiario

QuantityAverage Price (Average Price)
1 MXN1.6450 THB
2 MXN3.2900 THB
5 MXN8.2250 THB
10 MXN16.4500 THB
20 MXN32.9000 THB
50 MXN82.2500 THB
100 MXN164.5000 THB
200 MXN329.0000 THB
250 MXN411.2500 THB
500 MXN822.5000 THB
750 MXN1,233.75 THB
1000 MXN1,645.00 THB
2000 MXN3,290.00 THB
5000 MXN8,225.00 THB